Complex diagnosis and treatment of heart diseases. The department has all needed equipment available-ECG, ECG-Holter, BP-Holter, echocardiography and stress tests – ergometrics, spiro-ergometrics.
You can find us here
You are treated by
Tereza Patočková, M.D.
Ivan Ranič, M.D.
Petra Pešová, M.D.
We offer complex cardiologic examination:
- detailed analysis of your difficulties, assessment of the overall state of the cardiovascular system
- diagnosis and differential diagnosis of heart diseases
- complex treatment according to the newest medicine knowledge
Ergometry (stress test)
- complex stress test on the bicycle ergometer (eventually connected with the ventilatory examination, analysis of exhaled gases), monitoring of BP, ECG, pulse oximetry. See spiroergometry in the lung functional examining room section.
Pressure holter
- non-stressing examining method which allows 24-hour monitoring of the BP
- this device is compiled from automatic medical pressure gauge run by microprocessor and equipped with memory, is connected to an armband with a built-in microphone. The armband is put on arm as a normal pressure monitor. Record of the measuring counts to circa 50-300 values of BP. Measuring happens in circa 10 to 20-minute intervals during day, intervals are longer at night, to limit the disturbance of the patient’s sleep. Result of the measuring is a pressure recording, where we assess 24-hour average, daily and nightly average.
ECG holter
- non-stressing examining method allowing 24-hour monitoring of ECG records,
- this device consists of automatic recording device with microprocessor, which is able to store ECG curve to the memory during 24 hours. Patient has set of seven electrodes applied on his chest (as during ECG, but for 24 hours). The box with microprocessor is fixed on the belt in a case. Result is the assessment of the frequency and regularity of the heart rhythm for all 24 hours. It is very well possible to recognize and assess different types of heart rhythm disturbances (so called dysrhythmia), which do not have to be recorded on a common ECG curve.
ECG is very easy, undemanding and painless examination, which shows the electric activity of the heart to the doctor. Every cardiac muscle contraction is accompanied by creation of tender electric voltage, which is spread out to the surface of your body, where it is possible to be monitored by ECG. If there is a change in the electric activity in your heart, doctor can recognize that your heart is unwell.
Echocardiography is a special ultrasound examination of heart. It is painless, ultrasound probe, covered in a special gel, is put onto the chest on certain points, and 2D image of the heart, including color differentiated blood stream is visible on the monitor of the device. Doctor is able to assess the heart activity and its contractions, he is able to measure, in detail, the defects during this activity (for example scars after heart attacks, cardiac muscle stiffness during hypertension etc.) It is also possible to see all heart valves and their eventual disorders (narrowing or not closing). Examination done by experienced doctor is very exact and gives overall image of the heart function.